RaivioBumann 10-talk: Jan Kattein (Jan Kattein Architects, UK)

DiscussionLectureOpen placeArchitectureUrban planningDesign thinkingDesign educationDesign courses and workshopsNew materialsInterior
Milloin ke 11.09.2024
Aika 5pm–6:30pm
Missä RaivioBumann & Parkly Studio, Mechelininkatu 23, 00100 Helsinki, 00100, Helsinki
Liput Registrations: paivi@raiviobumann.com
Esteetön Ei

The space has stairs from the street level. / Katutason liiketila ei ole esteetön.

Kieli Englanti
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People, places and architecture

Jan Kattein is the founder and director of Jan Kattein Architects, an award winning architecture and design practice based in London. Jan Kattein Architects is renowned for its community-centered projects, prioritising social and ecological sustainability while pushing the boundaries of design and architecture. Their circular architecture projects are pioneering solutions to societal and structural challenges by seamlessly integrating new purposes and buildings into existing structures, as well as utilising circular materials for construction. Jan will present inspiring cases and talk about his many roles as an architect.

The event is kicked off with Päivi Raivio’s (RaivioBumann, Parkly) introduction talk project cases combining architecture and placemaking. Jan Kattein will his host talk virtually from London with a Q&A.

The talk is part of events celebrating the 10th anniversary of RaivioBumann studio’s practice in urban design, placemaking, and public art.