Uudenlaisen kaupunkiluonnon rönsyilytyöpaja

WorkshopWalkUrban planningDesign thinkingDesign courses and workshopsInterior
When Thu 12.09.2024
Where Kaasutehtaankatu 1 Rakennus 8, 00540 Helsinki, 00540, Helsinki
Tickets https://forumvirium.fi/tapahtuma/ronsyilytyopaja-12-9-tule-kokemaan-miten-kaupunkiluonto-elaa/
Accessible No
Language Finnish

How does a seed germinate, grow roots, and then sprout towards the light? What is it like to be a plant in the city? In Sprawling we immerse ourselves in the world of plants through collective physical exercises: germination, growth, and sprawling.

The PilotGreen project, coordinated by the City of Helsinki’s innovation company Forum Virium Helsinki, is piloting new urban nature solutions in Suvilahti in the summer of 2024. We are organizing a workshop around these experiments, inviting participants to observe urban nature from a new perspective 12.9. 3–5 pm in Suvilahti.

Toisissa tiloissa is a performance art collective that centers its activities around collective bodily exercises. These exercises enable us to connect with unfamiliar experiences and forms of existence – entering other states of being. The Sprawling Workshop is based on plant-themed bodily exercises, experienced together in the open air at the Suvilahti area. Everyone is welcome to join, and no prior experience is required. Participation is free of charge. Register via the link!