Bubbling Under – A keynote speech about the role of creativity and design in personal path

LectureDiscussionDesign thinking
When Fri 13.09.2024
Where Hämeentie 135 B, 00560, Helsinki
Accessible No
Language English
Other Website

Innovations are like bubbles – you need a certain compound and subtle environment to create them out of the surrounding substance. What is the role of creative methods like service design in the process of enabling innovations to happen and to support start-ups to break through? Marina Barboza, the Head of Innovation at Venturus, has extensive experience in design thinking, product development, and leading projects focused on open innovation and diversity. As one of the 90 Day Creative Finn Program attendees, she has traveled from Brazil to Finland having experience from fashion design, jewelry making to marketing, and to being the Head of Innovation, she is spreading her unique career path as an inspirational example of how dreams, creativity, and daring can take you to operate on global levels.