5 reasons to download the Helsinki Design Week application

No one likes to have useless apps, but if join Helsinki Design Week, this app is totally worth of downloading. The whole Helsinki Design Week programme can be browsed in the Eventmore application.

No one likes to have useless apps, but if join Helsinki Design Week, this app is totally worth of downloading. The whole Helsinki Design Week programme can be browsed in the Eventmore application.

If you are planning to partipicate in Helsinki Design Week 2016, grab your phone and download our Eventmore application. It is not waste of storage.

Here are five reasons you should give it a try:

1. Our 250 events are only a few clicks away as the app will help to find daily events and general information about the festival.

2. The program can be limited in different categories, so if you’re interested in areas such as fashion or artwork, you don’t need to search blindly among all the events. You can search them by date, category or location.

3. Interesting events can be saved to own favourites and phone calendar, which makes it easy to create customized festival schedules.

4. The map view doesn’t only show you the locations, but also which events are close to you right now, so being spontaneous is easier than ever. Especially if you are not familiar with Helsinki, the route directions to the locations are super useful.

5. The application keeps you updated about the delays or cancellations. All the information is up to date.

Download the app for free at www.helsinkidesignweek.com/app.