Futurist Roope Mokka applauds this years theme and picks his favourites from the programme

Roope Mokka applauds this years theme. “This year I am going to visit the festival in a systematic way.” 

Roope Mokka applauds this years theme. “This year I am going to visit the festival in a systematic way.” 

He believes the next ten years are going to feature the emergence of new technologies, and that gives a lot of work to designers. “All those things that only the rich and eccentric nerds use now will become mainstream. Designs will also include more tech solutions.”

Roope is the co-founder of Demos Helsinki, a futurist and urbanist with a focus on social transformations.

Climate taxi

Climate taxis will commute between the Design Market and the city centre. The climate experts sit in the back seat of the cars to inspire and inform the passengers.

“This context is thrilling. If people are expected to change their behaviour or perspective, the best results can be achieved in a real-time social interaction.”

7.9. at 12–16, Kaapelitehdas,Tallberginkatu 1

Design for Sustainability Summit

“When different professional groups meet and network, they can raise the bar together. This summit has a nice activism vibe yet very professional and interesting speakers.”

12.9. at 10.15–15, University of Helsinki, Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33


What Will It Take for Helsinki to Become Carbon Neutral (and Is It Even Possible)?

“Helsinki’s climate neutrality goal is the most ambitious in the world. It is super interesting to see how we’ll reach the targets. Design-wise it could mean that new solutions have to be not only carbon neutral but regenerative. Like an object has to basically suck carbon dioxide and compensate for itself by just existing.”

9.9. at 17–17.45, Helsinki City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13

1.5 Degree Lifestyle Game

“The limit is 1.5 degrees. If the planet heats more than that, then we can say goodbye to peaceful society. In this game one can test how our actions impact the climate in the long run. We have to drop from 8 to 2 emission tons per person in ten years – it’s a radical change. The game clarifies that even if we apply all the existing new building technologies, vegan diets, electric cars etc., it won’t be enough. Greater societal and political changes are needed.”

12.6. at 16–17.45, Helsinki City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13

Read the whole programme.