Get to Know the Event: Random Walk Scarves Exhibition and Pop-up
At the Random Walk Scarves Exhibition and Pop-up, visitors get a chance to see original patterns which have been turned into printed and knitted scarves. During the exhibition and pattern-making workshops, there will also be experimental music performances and a pop-up shop for visitors to enjoy. Founder and designer of Random Walk Weiwei Leung shares how the idea of the event first came together.
Would you tell me a bit more of your event in your own words: what are the exhibition and workshops all about?
The exhibition and the workshop are curated for visitors to experience the atmosphere and the aesthetics of the Random Walk, as well as to have a closer look at the pattern’s making-of process.
The exhibition includes three intertwined parts: a series of artworks painted by the designer; two collections of scarves whose patterns come from the painting, hanging on a line-shape installation across the gallery space; and a multi-speaker surround sound installation playing the subtle sound recorded from the fabric, processed and composed by a musician. The visitors can walk around the space between the installation, the scarves and the paintings while the sound travels across the gallery.
The workshop invites the visitors to experience the pattern design process. There will be some simple instructions and materials for participants of all ages and all backgrounds to have fun with. By their own hands, and with some art tricks introduced by the designer, the visitors get to try designing a pattern in an easy alternative way, the Random Walk’s way.
How did you first come up with the idea for your event?
It exists from the beginning of the brand, it’s how I work and design: it starts with an irregular shape – usually inspired by movement – and then a painting that plays with the shape element, later turned into a pattern, then finalized as a piece of textile product. Before that, it was the concept of the Random Walk, this open sense of wandering and experimenting. So I want to share it with visitors in the form of an exhibition and a workshop. It also comes as a natural decision that since I have already gathered a set of coherent artworks and two micro collections of related textiles, plus my interest in environmental sound and installation, the whole idea just came together very quickly.
What will the Random Walk Scarves exhibition and workshop offer to visitors?
The visitors will get to see the first-time exhibited “behind the scene” paintings, which are made of the scarves’ patterns. The participants of the workshop will also have the chance to get their patterns (the outcome of the workshop) produced as the next Random Walk scarf, with credited co-authorship. Visitors can also purchase the existing Random Walk scarves at a discount rate from the pop-up shop during the exhibition.
What kind of expectations do you have for the festival?
Exposure of the brand to a broader audience, opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other creatives, and first-hand feedback from the visitors.
Get to know more of Random Walk Scarves here.