Aalto ARTS Summer School: Embodied Water exhibition 6.9. – 3.10.2024
Mon 09.09.2024
Tue 10.09.2024
Wed 11.09.2024
Thu 12.09.2024
Fri 13.09.2024
BetaSpace gallery can be found from the Aalto University Otaniemi campus, address: Otakaari 1, A wing (Espoo, Finland). Recommended entrance from the A wing main door. The building is open Monday–Friday from 8am to 8pm during the exhibition period 6.9.–3.10.2024.
The “Embodied water” exhibition presents exploratory art and design concepts created during the Aalto ARTS Summer School course (6 ECTS). The theme highlights one of the biggest global challanges of our time – water. The projects are positioned in the immersive landscape of digital design and combined with perspectives of art, design, media and film in order to raise awareness and to provide solution on social, cultural and systemic challenges related to water. International, multidiciplinary and multicultural student teams explored the topic through the lenses of information design, storytelling, game design, film, and creative technologies, utilising AI.
The course brought together 60 master’s level students and 20 tutors from Aalto University and ten international partner schools around the world. Aalto ARTS Summer School in 2024 was organised in co-operation with the departments of Art and Media, and Film. Other partners were also involved, such as John Nurminen Foundation. Aalto ARTS Summer School has received funding from the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for the years 2022–2025.
More information: https://summerschool.arts.aalto.fi