Empty Bowls 2024
Empty Bowls is an international campaign to collect funds for those in need of food aid. The event has been held in Finland since 2003!
This year’s event is once again part of the Helsinki Design Week. According to the theme of this years HDW we dive deeper into the roots of empty bowls event. Which is the sense of community. Empty bowls is already a huge community of designers, ceramists, entrepreneurs, companies, restaurants, musicians, and many many volunteers who make this event happen.
On September 7, 2024, a happy day will be celebrated with good food, design and music, and it works like this: ceramic and glass artists donate unique soup bowls they have made, local restaurants and companies soups and bread and musicians entertaining music.
With a donation (min. €25), visitors can enjoy the soup of their choice and choose a bowl to take with them as a reminder that there are many empty bowls in the world.
The support goes directly to UNICEF’s emergency aid which is need now!