Helsinki Design Weekly Podcast 3: Kari Korkman
In this third episode, we meet Kari Korkman, who tells is there something similar in captaining a sailboat crew and leading the Helsinki Design Week.
Episode 3: Kari Korkman
Founder and director, Helsinki Design Week
President, World Design Weeks
Kari Korkman is the man behind Helsinki Design Week. He is the founder and the CEO of the organization that produces the event and also the president of the recently founded World Design Weeks Network. He is also a competitive sailor who owns and captains a classic sailboat.
In this episode Kari tells us the story behind Helsinki Design Week: how it evolved from an one-off exhibition to a ten-day celebration of good design. His vision is to bring designers and the public together. Kari also tells us what he means by saying that the residents are taking over the city and why it is so exciting, how does the World Design Weeks Network work and is there something similar in captaining a sailboat crew and leading the Helsinki Design Week.
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Helsinki Design Weekly Podcast
Helsinki Design Weekly Podcast is for design professionals and lovers of good design, and anyone interested in how creators and decision makers think and work. It’s also for people who love cities and urban life.
The whole world seems to be moving into cities. Where are the most fantastic new things happening and how can this development be designed and managed for the benefit of mankind?
The podcast is taped in the often chillingly cool Helsinki but it is at home in all the great towns of the world. Our guests usually have a connection to Helsinki Design Week, but more importantly, they have thought and done things that are shaking the design community.
Each episode will be a conversation with or interviews of an interesting global design voice. Focus will be on global trends that are related to urbanization. All discussions are in English and last around 30 minutes.