Q&A Tram Talks Podcast 2: Maria 01

Listen on a series of tram discussions organized by Helsinki Design Weekly now in podcast. Discussions are presenting questions and searching for answers to the themes of city, culture and work.


2. Episode: Maria 01

Maria01 startup designers discuss the change in society and consumer behaviour. What are the problems they are solving and how? And what kind of challenges do they face in their work?

Maria 01 is home for next generation tech teams working side by side with venture capitalists, established companies and the extended ecosystem to help each other succeed. Located on a historical hospital campus in central Helsinki. We welcome the weird, brave and ambitious as our members.

[button class=”” text=”Listen” url=”https://www.kieku.com/channel/Q%26A%20Raitiovaunukeskustelujen%20sarja/7f9ea43c-8b1e-459e-8251-c32dbd4ead87″ ]


Q&A Tram Talks

These discussions are rooted deep in this 2017 year’s Helsinki Design Week theme, Q&A, pondering urban development, education and learning, sustainable development, spaces and houses, as well as creative field entrepreneurship and cooperation.

Graphic designers’ association Grafia, start-up centre Maria 01, working community coach and creative work promoter Avantage Oy and Ompeluseura (“sewing circle”), a working life community with more than 20,000 members on Facebook, have created fascinating content for the rides.