HDW Children’s Weekend and Habi Kids bring playful spatial design for children

Experiental and playful spatial design is created for HDW Children's Weekend for the first time this year.
Experiental and playful spatial design is created for HDW Children’s Weekend for the first time this year.
Children’s Weekend’s spatial design will be designed by graphic designers and illustrators Jenni Erkintaloand Réka Király from Etana Editions. Visual identity and spatial design will be based on their book, Meidän talo (Our House) that will be published in the Autumn of 2016.
Our House is a story about courage and acceptance of difference, and provokes children to think about their own living environments. The book is about a group of people living in a block of flats, and about their homes, as seen through the eyes of a child.
Organized for the fourth time, Children’s Weekend will be held 10-11 September at Kattilahalli, Suvilahti. Our House gives frames for Children’s Weekend’s events. Workshops will be placed at Our House apartments where can be found elements from the book. Will there be all elements from grandmother’s huge knitted installation? Or how will it look when Our House residents Flora and Fauna takes over the outdoor space with their extraordinary jungle?
HDW Children’s Weekend is one of the Helsinki Design Week’s main events. The aim of the event is to provide creative design and architecture workshops for children.
Habi Kids provides interactive installations
Habi Kids, a new satellite event of Helsinki Design Week’s Children’s Weekend at Habitare, will be held at Messukeskus from 7 to 11 September 2016. Visual identity of Our House will continue at Habi Kids through interactive installations. Installations present three doors and the worlds they lead to, described in Our House book.
For Habi Kids, Erkintalo and Király will design the Do family children’s play area, an area of wonder featuring mirrors from the home of the twins Aamu and Ilta, and the Metri family’s play and measuring corner.
Habi Kids will feature workshops to be implemented in cooperation with design and architecture education professionals. The installations will be lined with companies’ stands, featuring interior design products and furniture specifically designed for children and children’s rooms.
Habi Kids is produced by Helsinki Design Week and will be situated at ahead! design area at Habitare fair. Habitare is the biggest event during the Helsinki Design Week.