The winner of Kauppatori2017 competition is Salut

Kauppatori is one of the most visited places in Finland and known for it's orange market stalls. This is what they might look like in the future.

Kauppatori is one of the most visited places in Finland and known for it’s orange market stalls. But this is what they might look like in the future.

The winner of Kauppatori2017 competition is Salut, a market stall made of plywood.

The Market Square student competition by Aalto University aimed to find new concepts for the Market Square and showcase the possibilities of innovative design.

The winner stall is created by Ella Kaira, Benjamin Åkerblom, Joona Heikkilä and Lauri Klemola. They won €5000 to develop the prototype further.

The prototypes were exhibited at the Market Square during the summer. See all the finalists here.




The future is still open

During this summer, the organizers spent more than 2500 hours on the square learning about the opportunities and challenges by interviewing the stakeholders; the vendors, the customer base, the visitors and the infrastructure providers.

Feedback, opinions, analytics and data will be used to develop the area – but the future is still open.

“Finland celebrates the 100th anniversary of its independence in 2017 and we wish to find partners to help us to develop the project”, tells the project’s coordinator Oona Coliander.

The student competition was organized in 2016 in collaboration with Aalto University, Helsingin Kaupungin Tukkutorin ja Bruce Oreck. The winner team was sponsored by UPM.

Winners are Ella Kaira, Benjamin Åkerblom, Joona Heikkilä and Lauri Klemola. ©KAUPPATORI2017