Helsinki Design Week’s theme in 2017 is Q&A

This year Helsinki Design Week is looking for questions and answers and has named its theme accordingly: Q&A. The annual design festival takes over Helsinki from 7 to 17 September 2017.
This year Helsinki Design Week is looking for questions and answers and has named its theme accordingly: Q&A. The annual design festival takes over Helsinki from 7 to 17 September 2017.
Helsinki Design Week’s theme in 2017 is Q&A – Questions & Answers. Looking for questions and answers highlights the fact that good design always entails good thinking. Since quite a while, the value of design has surpassed making mere objects and included insight and questioning the obvious.
The theme encourages us towards open-mindedness, vision, exploration and discovery. Criticality is important, and so is openness before options. The theme tackles social questions that impact the future.
How can we use design to build better cities and a better society? How could design-thinking benefit new areas? We must ask the right questions and come up with answers that remain relevant in the future. The theme includes topics like urban development, education and learning, sustainable development, spaces and houses, as well as entrepreneurship and collaboration in the creative fields.
Another important dimension is internationality. Helsinki Design Week has kicked off and chairs a new World Design Weeks networks in a time when international interactivity faces new challenges and questions. Populism, nationalism and protectionism emerge in many countries, but new ideas and innovations require openness, engagement and tolerance to develop.
During the years to come, we need to convince national organizations that international networking and dialogue produce more common good than short-sighted pursuit of national interest. How do we do this?
In September, we’ll be looking for answers in hundreds of Helsinki Design Week events that are now open for application.
Apply to join the Helsinki Design Week festival programme, put up a salesstand in the Design Market or Little Market, vote in the Muotogaala competition or submit your proposal for the HDW HOP installation series.
You are warmly welcome to participate!