Helsinki Design Weekly Podcast 2: Saku Tuominen

In this second episode, Saku Tuominen tells how to avoid the risk of procrastinating and how improving education became his passion.

Helsinki Design Weekly Podcast is for design professionals and lovers of good design, and anyone interested in how creators and decision makers think and work. It’s also for people who love cities and urban life. The whole world seems to be moving into cities. Where are the most fantastic new things happening and how can this development be designed and managed for the benefit of mankind?

The podcast is taped in the often chillingly cool Helsinki  but it is at home in all the great  towns of the world. Our guests usually have a connection to Helsinki Design Week, but more importantly, they have thought and done things that are shaking the design community.

Each episode will be a conversation with or interviews of an interesting global design voice. Focus will be on global trends that are related to urbanization. All discussions are in English and last around 30 minutes.

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Episode 2: Saku Tuominen
ounder and CEO of HundrED

On his webpage, Saku Tuominen describes himself as ”entrepreneur, innovator, creative director, executive producer, author, keynote speaker, curator, olive oil producer, right wing in ice-hockey. I dream and I do”. Saku has surely done a lot. He ran one of the most successful TV production companies in Finland and created some of the most loved TV shows in the country. He then sold the business and started applying his capabilities as a producer and creative director to other fields. This has lead him focusing his efforts on improving education, especially through his non-profit company HundrED. He’s also a big lover of things Italian.

For Saku, bold ideas, clarity of thinking and brilliant execution make great design. He has a great passion for new ideas and creating something wonderful. In this episode Saku tells how to take the first steps from a great idea to the execution and how to avoid the risk of procrastinating. How does he approach the design challenge of HundrED when there are so many different dimensions involved? He also talks about how improving education became his passion and about falling in love with Italy, where everything is a problem and everything works.

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