Helsinki Design Week 2017: Streaming

You can join Helsinki Design Week 2017 by watching our streams! These events are available in real time on our website. 

See our full programme here. Streaming is produced by Coup4.



A new design event called DesignCommons is to be launched in Helsinki. A relaxed concept will break the traditional conference lecture format that has speakers on stage and the audience silently listening. The international stars will sit with the audience and take turns to stand up and talk about the hottest design topics. During the evening, tables consisting of visitors and speakers alike will discuss common themes and find solutions while enjoying food and wine.

Design Commons is part of the World Design Weeks Summit Helsinki 2017programme organized at Clarion Hotel Helsinki from 14 to 15 September 2017. D

DesignCommons is an open event for everyone. Buy tickets here.

Thursday 14.9.


Designing the Future Word by Word

The future of work looks different from the past, but the words we use to describe it are from the industrial age. How to talk about the future of work in a way that creates tangible outcomes, new alternatives and optimism? Why should we be careful with our words? A roundtable discussion with MP Antero Vartia, CEO of Tela Suvi-Anne Siimes, director Paavo Westerberg, journalist Ville Blåfield,  foresight specialist Johannes Koponen and senior advisor Marjaana Toiminen.

Location: JT-Line ferry to Lonna Island at 4 pm from Market Square. (A limited amount of seats; mandatory registration for the event:

Friday 8.9.


Data-Driven Design Day

Helsinki Design Week collaborates for the first time with the annual Data-Driven Design Day in the beautiful Valkoinen Sali.  Come and hear about the current topics of the data field.

This event is a forum for sharing visions and practices in utilizing data for the benefit of design. The topics are relevant to designers, product owners and managers, data scientists and everyone else interested in how digital products flourish with data.

This year our theme area is e-commerce and retail. The theme is reflected in the presenters’ topics and themes, but the discussion is not exclusively about the web or brick and mortar stores. There will also be peeks into leading data-driven organizations and algorithmic design fuelled by data. The event is hosted in English.


Tuesday 12.9.