Helsinki Design Week 2017: For foodies

Does a Finnish lunch in a design atmosphere or a gastronomic adventure using leftover food from grocery stores sound tempting? See our tips for foodies.
See our full programme here.

Designed for Dining

Restaurant Koskenranta is serving a Finnish lunch. The buffet table is set with non-traditional dishes designed by ceramic artist Karin Widnäs. Enjoy a meal, design and the rapids next to the restaurant. Koskenranta is an idyllic restaurant, meeting and event centre situated in the heart of the old city of Helsinki.

From 11 till 16 September
Restaurant Koskenranta
Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9


Food Design Workshops: Storytelling with Food

In this workshop we explore the storytelling aspects of food by using different food ingredients and our personal experiences. With the guidance of a chef and designers, participants create their own edible stories.

Sunday 17 September
A21 Flavour Studio, Teurastamo
Työpajankatu 2


Hanaholmen Art Opening

The fantastically renewed Hanaholmen opens its doors to art! Two new artworks will be inaugurated at the event: a mural painted by Mirza Cizmic, a student from the art school Kuvataideakatemia, and the new art corridor called Korridoren, by Susanne Gottberg and Markus Kåhre, situated indoors. Our chef Lukas Hemnell loves Nordic flavours and will make a three-course lunch of this season’s ingredients for the event. The event will be spiced up by different speakers, such as Mårten Castenfors, the head of Stockholm konst, who tells us about his visions for public art.

Price, including a three-course lunch and a welcoming toast: €50. You can buy your ticket here.

Monday 11 September
Hanasaarenranta 5


Food Waste and Circular Economy Festival

The Food Waste and Circular Economy Festival at Teurastamo will produce unexpected experiences from waste food and leftover materials for citizens.

A three-course dinner will be served in Kellohalli for 300 visitors. Restonomy students from Laurea University of Applied Sciences will be responsible for creating gastronomic adventures from leftover food from grocery stores. Food bloggers are hosting workshops at the Flavour studio. You are welcome to eat and enjoy yourself, and to create and brainstorm ideas to develop Helsinki as a city where no material is wasted but recycled.

Saturday 16 September
Työpajankatu 2


Creative Pizza Workshop for Kids

At the creative pizza workshop we will create pizzas based on taste preferences by participants. Each pizza should also contain an additional idea or message. This workshop is for 6-10-year-old kids with their parents. Open to 20 participants. Enrollment required but participation is free of charge.

Sunday 10 September
Työpajankatu 2

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