Weekly Tips: April

Weekly Tips is a monthly series of ideas for Helsinki based design enthusiasts.
11 April 2018 19.30–22
In collaboration with the University of Helsinki, Helsinki Design Week organizes a PechaKucha Night. This entertaining presentation concept gives its performers only 20 photos and 20 seconds per photo. This makes each performance exactly 6 min and 40 sec long. There will be a total of ten speakers from the fields of design and arts as well as science. The event will be held in Finnish.
26 April 2018 15–18
Aalto University, Harald Herlin Center
Otaniemientie 9, Espoo
The Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo celebrates all things design at the cross-disciplinary Aalto University. The event includes a seminar, talks and some sparkling wine. The keynote is by Professor Karl-Erik Michelsen on research in technology and the modern society. The Ornamo Award Winner was chosen by journalist Sami Sykkö.
Helsinki Contemporary: Meanings of public art and artworks in space
7 April 2018
Bulevardi 10
”History, politics and social relationships are always present in public space. It is the environment with which the work has to be resolved somehow, and with which the work must be proportionate. At the same time, artworks influence the environment and how we experience public space,” says sculptor Roland Persson. Tuula Isohanni (Doctor of Arts), who has worked as Art Coordinator for the Arabianranta district and Aalto University, joins him in conversation in an event in the gallery.
The discussion is held in English. The gallery’s showroom is also open 12–16. Welcome!
Roland Persson’s exhibition ‘Flora & Fauna (and some drawings, too)’ at Helsinki Contemporary 6.-29.4.2018.
Lokal Vernissage #50 Sisterhood
7–29 April 2018 Tue–Sun, 11–18
Annankatu 9
Lokal, a shop and a gallery specialized in arts, crafts and design, celebrates its 50th exhibition with Sisterhood. Ananya and Aurea Tanttu are real-life sisters raised in between continents and cultures. Their visual dialogue possesses an aesthetic which honours a forgotten romanticism. Aspiring to create a narrative which portrays a shared experience, treasured feelings and faces are depicted through brush strokes and photographic film.
Branding the Nordics: Hygge and beyond (in English)
24 April 2018 19–20.30
Nordisk Kulturkontakt
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki
The Nordic Culture Point has invited four authors to discuss the Nordic lifestyle and why it generates such a large interest internationally. Meik Wiking (The Little Book of Hygge), Linnea Dunne (Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living), Joanna Nylund (Sisu: The Finnish Art of Courage) and Miska Rantanen (Kalsarikänni: The Finnish Path to Relaxation) will participate in the discussion.
There is a growing fascination with the Nordic countries right now all around the world. It’s no longer only the welfare state and the Nordic society model that capture people’s interest, but also how average Nordic citizens live their lives. The big interest in these questions has created a real boom of Nordic lifestyle literature selling hundreds of thousands of copies all across the globe.
Annastiina Mäkitalo’s exhibition ‘Runotytöt’ (Poetic Portraits)
Gallery Kuvitus
6–28 April 2018
This portrait project by Annastiina Mäkitalo first started with a colouring book featuring the poet Saima Harmaja. This idea led to drawing girls and young women that are not often featured in portraits or advertising campaigns. Mäkitalo started drawing women with disabilities to show that each and every one has something poetic in them.
Design Museum
Tue 11-20 Wed-Sun 11-18
Until 23 September 2018
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
Timo Sarpaneva (1926–2006) is best known for his designs of glassware and art objects. Originally trained as a graphic designer, Timo Sarpaneva’s work includes the famous Iittala i logo from 1956. Together with Tapio Wirkkala and Kaj Franck, Sarpaneva helped establish the international fame of Finnish design. This critically acclaimed exhibition features stunning glass objects as well as plenty of video material.