Architect Jenni Reuter’s picks from the festival programme

Jenni Reuter appreciates that the festival has opened the doors of many closed premises, such as the Old Customs Warehouse, Tulli- ja pakkahuone, the old abattoir Teurastamo, and the old port warehouse of Jätkäsaari.

As a creative professional Jenni Reuter knows many of the HDW participants. “It’s always nice to see friends and colleagues, and what they are working on.” In addition to her work at the Aalto University, she practises as an architect both in her own office and together with architects Saija Hollmén and Helena Sandman.

Jenni appreciates that the festival has opened the doors of many closed premises, such as the Old Customs Warehouse, Tulli- ja pakkahuone, the old abattoir Teurastamo, and the old port warehouse of Jätkäsaari.
“I am excited to get to visit the abandoned, raw and unfinished spaces.”

Erottaja 2

“The possibility to visit the Neo-Renaissance building is thrilling for me. Not only for the interesting happenings inside, but for the majestic building itself. I also like the feeling of a building in transition. One era has ended and another will start, but we are still in the between stage.”

6–15.9. at 11–19, Erottajankatu 2

Love Harvest – A dinner for the senses

“I am happy to see that creative cooking has become an integral part of the art and design scene. The vegetarian menu with a lot of seasonal local greens seems as if it were designed for me. I managed to reserve a seat and am looking forward to this!”

7.9., Erottajankatu 2

Awards exhibitions

“Juries have a great power and responsibility in even defining the fields. I have had the honour to both win prizes and be part of juries, and thus I have seen how deeply an award can impact a young professional. It has meant a lot that someone has valued our work over the more expected candidates.”

Young Illustrator of the Year
8–15.9. at 10–20, Hanasaarenranta 5

Young Designer of the Year
4–15.9. 11–18 (weekends 12–16), Annankatu 11

Traces from the Anthropocene. Working with Soil

“For a long time I have been interested in earth building and also the possibility to integrate ceramics into architecture. Other interesting exhibitions are dealing with fascinating materials like ”New Silk – What can we learn from spiders?” and Aalto professor Julia Lohmann’s “Laboratory with Seaweed”, at the Design Museum’s Critical Tide exhibition.

Many of the events in Otaniemi are celebrations of the long-term work that we have been doing at Aalto University.”

10–26.9, Beta Space gallery, Otakaari 1X, Espoo

Urban Façades 

“I am looking forward to the exhibition, where my own students are exploring the components of façades in large-scale models. Also the Unelmia paremmasta maailmasta (Dreams for a better world) exhibition at Erottaja 2 on sustainable architecture is very close to my interests.”

5.9–26.9 at 8–20

Väre main lobby, Otaniementie 14, Espoo

See the full programme.

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