Muoto-gaala transfers to Helsinki Design Week

Helsinki Design Week becomes the new owner of “Muoto-gaala” event that awards Finnish design annually.
Helsinki Design Week becomes the new owner of “Muoto-gaala” event that awards Finnish design annually.
This gala that awards Finnish designers and design products is one of the most important design events in Finland. It has been organised since 2011. Focused widely on Finnish design, the event has quickly earned appreciation among design professionals. The main organiser since 2011 has been Koti ja Keittiö magazine published by Aller Media.
This year’s gala took place on Thursday at Vanha ylioppilastalo in the centre of Helsinki, and the announcement about the transfer was made during the event. Editor-in-chief Jutta Ylä-Mononenwho has been in charge of the event for four years now moves over to develop the event for Helsinki Design Week.
“I am glad to be able to continue my work to promote Finnish design and develop the gala together with the skilled team at Helsinki Design Week,” Ylä-Mononen says.
According to Helsinki Design Week CEO Kari Korkman, Helsinki Design Week aims to expand the audience of the event and to develop it into a concept of national importance.
“The gala is Koti ja keittiö magazine’s success story and an important annual event for the design field. Our objective is to expand it beyond home decoration and to highlight topical areas of design. We are happy to continue develop the gala concept with Jutta Ylä-Mononen in charge.”
Winners of 2016
Life’s work: Tauno Tarna
Everyday product: Watering Bulb -kastelupallo, design Samu-Jussi Koski ja Samuji Koti -työryhmä
Food action: Martat
Talent: Luomo-kollektiivi
Recycled product: Termo-mekaanisesti modifioitu levy, Korwensuu
Service design: Nappi Naapuri -palvelu, Tanja Jänicke ja Pauliina Salonen
Interior product: Filly-valaisinperhe, design Timo Niskanen