House by an Architect, Arkkitehdin talo

LectureDiscussionArchitectureUrban planning
When Sat 16.09.2023
Time 6-8pm
Where Merikortteli, Pursimiehenkatu 29, 00150, Helsinki
Accessible Yes
Language Finnish

What is the most inspiring residential building you’ve ever seen?

The city is taking a breather from the busy residential construction. Now is good time to ask design professionals for examples of successful residential architecture. Five architects have been invited to the House by An Architect evening, and not to present their own work, but that of their colleagues. Each of the architects chooses a residential building from any decade, from any part of the world, that inspires them. The evening broadens our view of the possibilities offered by good design and high-quality construction. Its goal is to get all of us apartment owners and buyers to demand an even better built environment.

Included are e.g. architects Helena Sandman, Tuomas Toivonen, Mikko Heikkinen, Meri Wiikinkoski and Jaakob Solla.The evening is hosted by Kari Korkman, the founder and director of HDW and the inventor of the House by an Architect.

Entrance with Exhibition ticket, no pre-registration.
The seats will be filled
on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Buy tickets here! Just choose Exhibition ticket for 16 September.

Photo: Helsinki’s very own flat iron building in the corner of Vuorimiehenkatu and Muukalaiskatu. Architect: Max Frelander. Photo: Tuula Sipilä, Helsinki City Museum.